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What is hair serum – Advantages, tips to use hair serum


What is hair serum – Advantages, tips to use hair serum

Hair serums are quickly gaining popularity owing to the heavy dose of advertisements in every media. Do you think it is only the marketing...

Hair serums are quickly gaining popularity owing to the heavy dose of advertisements in every media. Do you think it is only the marketing gimmick that is making these hair care products so popular or there is something actually amazing about them? If you have not used a hair serum before, you might not actually know the answer.

However, before you opt for a hair serum it is really important that you are fully aware about what are hair serums as well as their advantages, because your hairs are precious. As far as true experience with hair serums are concerned, according to many, these are awesome products.
However, in order to make these produc
ts actually work for your hairs, it is important that you pick the right product that suits your hair type and is from a good brand. Before we get into any more discussions, first let us take a deeper look into what is a hair serum.
What is a hair serum?
When hair serum is applied to the hairs, it tend to cover every hair follicle and also fills up the follicular cracks making the hairs smooth and frizz free. Apart from adding remarkable shine to the hairs, hair serums also work as a protective layer on the hairs. It protects the hairs from heat, the harmful UV rays as well as from dirt, grime and pollutants.Hair serum is a hair care product that comes in a liquid form and is somehow thicker in consistency.  Hair serums are formulated with a bunch of chemical ingredients, including silicone, ceramides and amino acids. Silicone can be marked as the magic ingredient in these serums because it is the primary ingredient that makes the hairs smooth, frizz free and also adds shine.
Hair serums make an ideal hair care product for people who spend a good part of their day outside. Using a proper hair serum that suits your hair type can drastically reduce your overall time for hair care and it can work as one stop solution for many hair problems. 

Advantages of using hair serum

Hair serum helps in turning your bad hair days into good ones by adding a layer of lustrous and nourishment through silicon content.Your hair is now coated with a layer of protective silicon content which makes it look smooth, soft and silky. This will help allow you to style your hair by exposing them to heat at considerably higher temperature.
Hair serum helps to prevent your hair from breakage and being brittle. You can easily style them in a plethora of trendy hairstyles.
Hair serums contain amino acids which helps in providing protection to your colored or styled hair. It also helps in repairing the hair follicles from the roots.
The sunlight when reflected on your hair serum nourished locks look shinier and exude lustre and luminous appeal.
Serums provide nourishment and protection to hair that oils cater to without being oily and greasy.
They make your overall hair look manageable an easily styled so as to try a ton of different hairstyles.
It also helps in reducing hairfall by minimizing the entangled hair.
Hair serums can quickly transform the look as well as the feel of your hairs. Soft, lustrous locks that can be managed with ease are a dream of every girl and you can easily make this dream a reality even without much effort, simply by using the right hair serum.There are some prominent advantages of using hair serums but in order to reap all the benefits, it is important that you use a good quality hair serum from a reputed brand. Ensuring that the hair serum is formulated for your particular hair type and meets with your hair needs is also vital. Below are the main advantages of using a proper hair serum that suits your hairs,
  • The components present in hair serums fills in the follicular cracks of the hair shafts and thus makes hairs stronger and reduces the chance of breakage.
  • For dry hairs hair serums can be a real boon because serums easily seals in the moisture in hair shafts and prevents hair breakage due to dryness.
  • Hair serums work as an excellent preventive cover on your hair shafts protecting the hairs from heat, harmful sunrays, dirt, grime and pollutants.
  • Serums for hairs can be most useful for people who have minimum time to spend on hair care because these products give quick cosmetic results for minimum effort and time.
  • Hair serums are ideal for parties and occasions when you are trying to look special. Just a good dose of the right hair serum on your hairs and you are sure to win compliments for those gorgeous locks.
  • Hair serums make hairs manageable and hair styling much easier. Hence if you are someone who prefers to try new and interesting hairstyles, hair serums can be a go to product for you. Hair serums make it much easier to get the hairstyle of your choice.
  • If you use heat on your hairs, then using a hair serum before applying heat will not only give you better results but will also protect your hairs from the heat.
  • For curly and frizzy hairs, the right hair serums can do miracle in minutes. These products soothe the frizz quickly and can make your rough and dry locks lustrous and soft.
  • If you have oily hairs that seem to weigh down quickly after a wash, using a proper hair serum can be a good and easy solution for the problem. Some hair serums can keep the oiliness of hairs at bay making it possible for you to enjoy oil free beautiful hairs for longer.

So now as you know about the advantages of hair serums, let us point to the fact that every advantage that you can get from a hair serum is cosmetic in nature and particularly deals with how the hairs look and feel. However, these products will not add or transform your hair quality for better. Hair serums will not help your hairs to grow faster neither it will add to your actual hair health.

How to make hair serum at home For dry hair

Investing in chemical ridden hair serums which are expensive and lack quality is a waste, so why shell your beauty dollars smart by making the incredible recipe to gorgeous cascading locks at home. Natural hair serums work wonder for hair especially for working women who are exposed to pollution in the environment that leads to breakage, entangling, hair fall and several other problems.

Women with dry hair face issues of hair breakage, split ends and extreme entanglement. In order to get rid of this messy chaotic hair situation, we suggest you to prepare a magical hair serum at home by using essential oils like rosewood and lavender oil. You can opt for castor oil as moisturizing base hair oil to evenly massage your scalp with the goodness of this natural substance.
Mix a few drops of essential oils like rosewood and lavender with 20 ml of castor oil. In case the consistency is quite thick, you can alternatively go for coconut oil too. Mix it thoroughly and massage your hair and scalp with this amazing potion.
A nourishing massage with this natural mix will help in making your hair lustrous, strong, thick and dense while penetrating deep inside the scalp to restore the added nutrients.

For oily hair

Women with oily hair are the worst victims of greasy, oily hair which often collect the contaminants from the environment. The dust particles alongwith natural oil secretion in the scalp due to the presence of sebum caused by sebaceous glands accelerate the production of oil and grease in your hair. This becomes an ideal breeding ground for dandruff and lice, so in order to get rid of the stubborn oily hair, here’s our pick of the best natural remedy.
Take a few drops of lemon, peppermint and geranium essential oil and mix it thoroughly with jojoba or coconut oil to form a consistent and thick mixture. Since coconut and jojoba are both light oils, it will help absorb the oily hair and give them a smooth texture. Apply this mix on your hair and scalp rigorously, especially on your ends and roots. This will give you natural lustre and smooth shiny effect.

Buying the right hair serum

One of the most important things for getting the benefits of a hair serum is to pick a product that actually suits your hair type. Hair serums are available in different price range but if you love your hairs never get driven by the lowest price. Buy a hair serum from a reputed brand so that you actually get for what you are paying.
Before buying a hair serum it is important that you are fully aware about your hair type and what exactly you are looking for from the serum. Also, do not miss-out to check the reviews on the different hair serums available in the market to find out a serum that is actually formulated to suit your particular hair needs.
Once you start using a hair serum, keep a close watch on your hair condition. In case after few weeks of use, your hairs seem to become drier or if you experience more hair breakage, change the hair serum immediately. When it comes to hair serums buying the right product is vital.

How to use hair serums?

You can use the hair serum in different ways depending on your exact requirements. Most of the hair serums also come with detailed instructions about how to use the product in the right way to get maximum benefits. Here are some of the most common ways of using a hair serum correctly,Having elaborated on the hair serums, their advantages and also how important it is to buy the right hair serum for your hairs, now let us get into the right way of using hair serums. You can never get the best advantages of even a good quality hair serum unless you are using it the right way. So, read on to know how you should use the hair serum for maximum benefits.

Using hair serum on towel dried hairs

This is the most commonly instructed hair serum application method.  Wash your hairs with your regular shampoo. Take 3-4 drops (for medium length hairs) of the hair serum in your palms and rub the serum between your palms. Now apply the serum directly onto your towel dried hairs. You should massage in the serum lightly on your hairs starting from tip to above.
Once you have completed the application and there is no more serum left in your hands, comb your hairs lightly with a wide toothed comb and let your hairs dry normally or you can also opt for a blow dry.

Using hair serum on wet hairs

According to hair experts you can also use a hair serum directly to your wet hairs, particularly if you have dry hairs to deal with. Hair serum helps in sealing in the moisture making the hairs soft and frizz free. When you apply the hair serum directly onto your wet hairs, the serum seals in more moisture giving your dry hairs all the hydration they need.
So, after washing your hairs squeeze out the excess water from your hairs but do not use a towel. Now take 3-4 drops (for medium length hairs) of the hair serum in your palms, rub the palms together and apply onto your wet hairs. Blow dry your hairs and you can see the difference.

Using hair serum on styled hairs

After you have blow dried and styled your hairs, just take 2-3 drops (for medium length hairs) of the hair serums in your palms, rub them in and then apply on the styled hairs for more sheen and manageability.You can also use hair serum directly after you have completed styling it, just to add more shine and luster to your locks. It will not hold in moisture and is certainly not the best way for regular use of hair serum but it can be a good option to get those gorgeous hairs for a party or a special occasion.

Tips to use hair serum

  • While applying hair serum make sure that you are not dabbing it onto your scalp. Hair serums will do no good for your hair roots and they are formulated only for the hair shafts.
  • Always start applying the hair serum from the tips of the hairs. Hair dryness, split ends and hair breakage is high towards the hair ends and hence you should apply more of the serum at the ends instead of the middle or upper section of the hairs.
  • The general idea that more hair serum will make your hairs more lustrous and manageable is not right. You need to use only a minimum amount of hair serum in a single application as instructed by the manufacturer of the product. Using more of it will weigh down your hairs quickly.
  • You can use a hair serum even after using a hair conditioner, but in that case you might need even lesser amount of the serum for a single application, otherwise it might weigh your hairs down.
  • Keep in mind that hair serums are chemical based products and hence using them daily for a long time is certainly not good for your hairs. Try to keep your hair serum use within 2-3 times a week. You can also use it particularly for special occasions and parties.

Precautions for using hair serum

In order to make sure that you are getting only the benefits of using a hair serum it is important to keep the following in mind.

Use hair serums only from the best brands

Only use a good quality hair serum from a well-reputed brand. Hair serum is not an essential hair care product and hence if you are not ready to spend on the best brands, it is only wise to stay away from this product. Every hair serum contains chemicals in some form. The best brands make sure that the chemicals are kept to the minimum and the product is formulated in a fashion that the chemicals do not harm the hair quality even after long time use. However, you cannot have that assurance for the less reputed brands. So, use only a well-branded hair serum with good reviews in the market otherwise stay away from using this hair care product.

Read the particular “use instructions” carefully

No matter how many hair serums you have used previously, it is only wise to read the use instructions noted on the packaging of a particular hair serum properly before using it and follow it line by line. The hair serums from different brands can come with different use instructions. While you might use the serums from the most high end brands on wet, towel dry or even completely dry hairs, you might actually need to use other hair serums only on towel dry hairs. While most of the hair serums are not ideal for application on the upper part of the hairs, there are hair serums from international brands that you might even use close to the hair roots. So, always read the user instructions patiently and follow accordingly.

Use only when you need it

Even if you are using a hair serum from the best brands, it is advised to not to use too much of these products regularly on your hairs. Using any form of chemicals on hairs regularly is not good and serums are best suited for occasional use rather than everyday application. However, if you need a serum every day to keep the frizz in control it is advised to spend in an oil based hair serum from a high end brand.

Keep an eye on your hairs

Always keep an eye on your hairs once you start using a new hair serum or hair serum for the first time. If it seems to have added to hair breakage or if you feel that your hairs are turning drier, discontinue using the serum immediately and opt for another brand. On the other hand, if a serum seems to suit your hairs, it is best to not to change it frequently. It is advised to use shampoo, conditioner, and serum from the same brand in order to get the best results.



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Antique Truth : What is hair serum – Advantages, tips to use hair serum
What is hair serum – Advantages, tips to use hair serum
Antique Truth
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